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Schools, universities & training
Schools, universities & training
• 15 Aug 24
What is the impact of a Premiership football team on local universities?
Schools, universities & training
• 11 Jun 24
University degrees: how should we assess their value?
Schools, universities & training
• 05 Jun 24
How could the UK’s education system be reformed to equalise opportunities?
Schools, universities & training
• 04 Jun 24
How can the UK’s apprenticeship system be improved?
Schools, universities & training
• 18 Jan 24
How can education and skills policy in England boost productivity?
Schools, universities & training
• 12 Jan 24
What can the UK learn from the latest global data on pupil performance?
Schools, universities & training
• 01 Nov 23
How does compulsory school attendance affect youth violence?
Schools, universities & training
• 15 Jun 23
Which educational policies are most effective for equalising opportunities?
Schools, universities & training
• 31 Jan 23
Teacher strikes: what consequences for pupils?
Schools, universities & training
• 26 Jan 23
How might changes in student visa provision affect UK immigration levels?
Schools, universities & training
• 05 Dec 22
How has Covid-19 affected inequalities between state and private schools?
Schools, universities & training
• 30 Nov 22
How might teacher shortages be reduced?
Schools, universities & training
• 14 Nov 22
How can education and skills contribute to levelling up?
Schools, universities & training
• 26 Sep 22
US student debt forgiveness: should the UK follow suit?
Schools, universities & training
• 09 May 22
What have two years of interrupted schooling taught us about learning?
Schools, universities & training
• 14 Mar 22
How would minimum entry grades affect opportunities in higher education?
Schools, universities & training
• 10 Mar 22
How can we reduce gender gaps in mathematics education?
Schools, universities & training
• 07 Sep 21
How can universities improve student satisfaction?
Schools, universities & training
• 23 Aug 21
How might the UK’s university admissions system be redesigned?
Schools, universities & training
• 12 Aug 21
How have teacher assessments affected A-level results?
Schools, universities & training
• 11 Aug 21
How have school closures affected children around the world?
Schools, universities & training
• 14 Jul 21
Which investments in human capital will boost productivity growth?
Schools, universities & training
• 13 Jul 21
How can UK policy-makers meet the increased need for tutoring?
Schools, universities & training
• 12 Jul 21
How should we measure the development of human capital in children?
Schools, universities & training
• 08 Jun 21
Update: How has the crisis affected children from poorer backgrounds?
Schools, universities & training
• 07 Jun 21
What does it mean to decolonise the economics curriculum?
Schools, universities & training
• 27 May 21
Generation Covid: how is the pandemic affecting the young?
Schools, universities & training
• 28 Jan 21
Should students apply to university after they’ve got their exam results?
Schools, universities & training
• 20 Jan 21
#economicsfest: Does economics need to be ‘decolonised’?
Schools, universities & training
• 18 Jan 21
How can policy-makers and parents support home learning during lockdown?
Schools, universities & training
• 06 Jan 21
How should we assess school students now that exams have been cancelled?
Schools, universities & training
• 24 Nov 20
What do economics students see as today’s biggest challenges?
Schools, universities & training
• 17 Nov 20
How should the academic achievements of school students be assessed this year?
Schools, universities & training
• 19 Oct 20
How best should school resources be deployed in response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Schools, universities & training
• 11 Oct 20
How have migrant pupils been affected by lockdown and school closures?
Schools, universities & training
• 03 Sep 20
Should we stop using predicted A-level grades in university applications?
Schools, universities & training
• 02 Sep 20
Why have this summer’s A-level exam grades caused so much trouble?
Schools, universities & training
• 25 Aug 20
How is coronavirus affecting the finances of UK universities?
Schools, universities & training
• 06 Aug 20
How can we tackle widening gaps in literacy skills following coronavirus?
Schools, universities & training
• 28 Jun 20
What future for apprenticeships after coronavirus?
Schools, universities & training
• 14 Jun 20
How can we make up the learning losses from lockdown?
Schools, universities & training
• 12 Jun 20
Why should students pay university fees if all lectures are online?
Schools, universities & training
• 29 May 20
When should schools re-open?
Schools, universities & training
• 28 May 20
How will exam disruptions affect young people’s futures?
Schools, universities & training
• 28 May 20
What will be the impact of lockdown on children’s development?
Schools, universities & training
• 26 May 20
What is the likely impact of remote learning on educational outcomes?
Schools, universities & training
• 26 May 20
How will lockdown and recession affect the lives of the very young?
Schools, universities & training
• 24 May 20
What is the impact of the crisis on UK university finances?
Business, big & small
• 15 Jul 24
Do managers matter?
Productivity & growth
• 12 Jul 24
Twenty-five years of devolution: what progress on productivity and skills?
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