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Health, physical & mental
Health, physical & mental
• 02 Oct 24
How can we reduce obesity and improve diets?
Health, physical & mental
• 05 Feb 24
Update: How did personality affect mental health during the pandemic?
Health, physical & mental
• 12 Dec 23
What are the costs of privatisation in the UK’s healthcare system?
Health, physical & mental
• 08 Dec 23
How does climate change amplify health inequities?
Health, physical & mental
• 30 Nov 23
How does the outsourcing of health and social care affect service quality?
Health, physical & mental
• 10 Jul 23
Will the NHS long-term workforce plan solve the current crisis?
Health, physical & mental
• 04 May 23
How is the cost of living crisis affecting public health?
Health, physical & mental
• 30 Mar 23
How is the cost of living crisis affecting provision of social care?
Health, physical & mental
• 14 Feb 23
How might the cost of living crisis affect people’s health?
Health, physical & mental
• 08 Feb 23
Why is the NHS struggling?
Health, physical & mental
• 06 Sep 22
How is the cost of living crisis affecting disabled people in the UK?
Health, physical & mental
• 31 May 22
How do countries’ responses to the health effects of Covid-19 compare?
Health, physical & mental
• 29 Apr 22
How can the Northern Irish healthcare system be fixed?
Health, physical & mental
• 28 Mar 22
What are the past, present and future effects of Covid-19 on our health?
Health, physical & mental
• 28 Feb 22
How has the pandemic affected the mental health of healthcare workers?
Health, physical & mental
• 17 Dec 21
How do antivirals affect the risks we face and the way we behave?
Health, physical & mental
• 14 Dec 21
Update: How might changes to social care funding affect different service users?
Health, physical & mental
• 01 Dec 21
How has Taiwan navigated the pandemic?
Health, physical & mental
• 24 Nov 21
Update: How is the Covid-19 crisis affecting the NHS?
Health, physical & mental
• 17 Nov 21
How is the healthcare sector dealing with climate change?
Health, physical & mental
• 29 Sep 21
Stranger danger: are we more Covid-safe around friends and family?
Health, physical & mental
• 28 Sep 21
What is the economic logic of using test and trace to fight Covid-19?
Health, physical & mental
• 27 Sep 21
How has personality affected people’s mental health during the pandemic?
Health, physical & mental
• 22 Sep 21
What are the main options for reforming adult social care in England?
Health, physical & mental
• 16 Sep 21
What does football reveal about the impact of Covid-19 on work performance?
Health, physical & mental
• 08 Sep 21
Update: How is coronavirus affecting the mental health of adolescents?
Health, physical & mental
• 26 Aug 21
How is the pandemic affecting mental health in developing countries?
Health, physical & mental
• 02 Aug 21
How do vaccines affect the risks we face and the way we behave?
Health, physical & mental
• 06 Jul 21
How has Covid-19 affected younger adults with social care needs?
Health, physical & mental
• 22 Jun 21
How should we measure the impact of Covid-19 policies on our wellbeing?
Health, physical & mental
• 17 Jun 21
How is coronavirus catalysing changes in digital health?
Health, physical & mental
• 09 Jun 21
Frontline stories: working in the NHS during Covid-19
Health, physical & mental
• 17 May 21
Why should we care about obesity?
Health, physical & mental
• 13 May 21
How does the market for vaccines work?
Health, physical & mental
• 30 Mar 21
Who should be vaccinated first?
Health, physical & mental
• 15 Mar 21
How have school closures affected children’s mental health?
Health, physical & mental
• 01 Mar 21
What do social media reveal about our emotions during the Covid-19 crisis?
Health, physical & mental
• 12 Nov 20
How is coronavirus changing national payment systems for healthcare providers?
Health, physical & mental
• 02 Nov 20
The pound-of-flesh fallacy: do lockdowns simply postpone the pain of Covid-19?
Health, physical & mental
• 06 Oct 20
Is India’s low Covid-19 fatality rate a good sign?
Health, physical & mental
• 27 Sep 20
How prepared was the NHS for coronavirus?
Health, physical & mental
• 13 Sep 20
What will coronavirus mean for self-sufficiency in nurse numbers?
Health, physical & mental
• 31 Aug 20
How is coronavirus affecting the mental health of adolescents?
Health, physical & mental
• 26 Aug 20
Why has social care been so badly hit by Covid-19?
Health, physical & mental
• 14 Aug 20
Is mental health among ethnic minorities worse affected by the pandemic?
Health, physical & mental
• 11 Aug 20
How might social isolation affect people’s wellbeing during the pandemic?
Health, physical & mental
• 29 Jul 20
Has coronavirus made anyone better off?
Health, physical & mental
• 19 Jul 20
Will coronavirus worsen the UK's problem with obesity?
Health, physical & mental
• 10 Jul 20
Why are people in some socio-economic groups more vulnerable to coronavirus?
Health, physical & mental
• 29 May 20
How will the Covid-19 crisis affect the NHS?
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