Questions and answers about
the economy.

Current Research

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Economists from around the world are using real time data collection to better understand the impact the Covid-19 crisis is having on families, workers, firms and society, and how policies can help the recovery out of the crisis. Find out more about how these research teams are carrying out their projects, and what their findings are below.

The effects of covid on women: work, housework and financial decisions

The outbreak of Covid-19 has affected lives of hundreds of thousands of men and women throughout the world. In Italy, the impact has been more severe than in the rest of Europe. Women are severely hit by the choc, both on their jobs and in their fami...
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Daniela Del Boca

When school closes, dad works and mum stays home?

What is the division of child care between mothers and fathers, and how does this division affect labor supply? The spread of Covid-19 has led to temporary closures of childcare facilities and schools in many countries. This is particularly challengi...
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Omar Bamieh

Covid-19 and attitudes about markets and government

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically disrupted our lives and revealed features--both strengths and weaknesses--of the economy and government that may not have been clear or seemed relevant before. In this research project, we investigate whether th...
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Sandra Goff

Understanding behavioral barriers to demand for domestic violence services

Domestic violence (DV), defined as stalking, rape, or physical violence, is a global problem with 35% of women worldwide reporting experiencing DV (WHO 2017). More than 12 million people experience domestic violence in the U.S. each year (National DV...
Primary Topic: Crime & policing
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Sofia Amaral

Social distancing and school closures: documenting disparity in internet access among school children

Social distancing directives across the United States have led to school closures. Some districts are moving towards online instruction, but this requires internet access at home. We examine the factors that determine whether school children have acc...
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Ananya Sen

Constraints to female entrepreneurship in Pakistan: the role of women’s goals and aspirations

We are running a field experiment with female entrepreneurs who have all borrowed from a microfinance organization in Punjab, Pakistan. We test whether an intervention that exposes women to successful role models, and encourages goal setting, plannin...
Primary Topic: Business, big & small
Secondary Topic: Families & households
Lead investigator: Giovanna D'Adda