Questions and answers about
the economy.

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How do greening prosperity stripes help measure progress towards net zero?

Action to mitigate climate change remains essential. Visualisations of the progress that countries are making towards greener economic growth can help to promote policies that mobilise efforts to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

1-3 October 2024 Bristol

Schools, universities & training

How can we reduce gender gaps in mathematics education?

Underperformance by girls and young women in mathematics relative to their male peers is a loss of talent that may hinder productivity growth. New developments in our understanding of how gender stereotypes originate and evolve can help us to reduce gender differences in achievement.


UK university finances

Data from the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) reveal the sources of expenditure and income among UK higher education providers up to the 2022/23 academic year.

In the 2021/22 academic year, staffing costs rose to over £31 billion, driven by £6.9 billion in pension adjustments. Staff costs accounted for over 60% of annual expenditure and contributed to a sector-wide income deficit. The following year, staff costs fell to £24 billion and the sector returned to an income surplus.

Tuition fees, which have increasingly bolstered university incomes since 2014, hit a record £27 billion in 2022/23, comprising over 52% of total earnings. Despite the sector's restored surplus in 2022/23, 27% of universities remained in deficit, highlighting uneven financial prospects.

Data stories

What happened at the 2024 Olympics?

Paris hosted the 2024 Summer Olympic Games – the 30th of the modern era. Memories will be dominated by great sporting moments, including athletes winning their countries’ first ever medals. But the mega-event also highlighted issues around representation, equality, cost control and home advantage.

Lessons from history

What can we learn about patents and innovation from the past?

The history of industrial revolutions provides valuable insights into how patents and patenting systems influence innovation. It also reveals the extent to which inventors have relied on other ways to protect their ideas, including secrecy, sharing and showcasing them at international exhibitions.

Science, technology & innovation

How is generative artificial intelligence changing the legal profession?

Lawyers have traditionally been slow to embrace technology, with courtroom practices remaining largely the same for centuries. The arrival of generative AI is set to change all that.

Energy & climate change

Climate change: what are the economic impacts and potential solutions?

To stand a chance of meeting the net-zero ambitions of the Paris Agreement, a multi-pronged approach to curbing climate change is needed that permeates all sectors of our society and economy. Done well, this comprehensive approach will ensure a just transition.

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